Friday, October 03, 2008


i have decided to do medicine in uni!
my friends who know me would be like HUH? cos i never seem to be the kind of person that will go into medicine! hahah but what made me make that decision actualy, was pretty cool.. i was inspired by thius show i was watching about a doctor, anyway to cut the long story short, i wanna go through my uni years and know that im making use of my time well and meaningfully to do something that i think is meaningful, and also, doctors can easily go into the mission field! so yeah! ta da! but im gonna have to work really hard to get into medicine in monash and have to choose my subjects wisely! i might be also doing one subject at harvest bible college, so i dont even know if i can cope but i guess i'll tread along and see how God leads :D

melbourne show was good, all the movie marathons were good too!
im in the city at eke's now, going for Singapore Day in melbourne later! looking forward to all the food! yuuummmm
shopping at DFO yesterday was very frutiful! hee
back to school.. actually isnt that bad :D

[[Lil Princess Wrote On]]*|4:53 PM|

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