Wednesday, August 20, 2008


HEYYY im back from the dead
i cant really be bothered blogging sometimes cos i really dont know if anyone is actually reading it. haha but whatever i'll just take it as a chance to blab on

well.. we'll start from the weekend.. IT WAS AWESOME! met ele at richmond, we shopped heaps, walked heaps and got lost as well... out first buy was undies.. BONDS! heh, then i bought a balck cardi while ele bought a black jacket.. then i went to this GASP factory outlet, and i bought a $400 dress for $20!! haha!! i was so happy about the buy.. the dress is really pretty.. its a formal dress.. so maybe i can use it end of this year.. maybeee... year 12 formal :p
stayed over at ele's in the city, her 'house' or room rather is so cool! its like a hotel! hahah.. but it was really fun.. had dinner at some shop and walked around the city and met her friend for ice cream.. was great fun.. ended our get together on sunday, going to shakers.

then back to horrid horrid school on monday, well it wasnt that horrid, it was alright actually, just the usual.. we had XO day yesterday, its just a day the school dedicates to just have fun and play, at the same time to spread thw word, it pretty interesting, like to tell teens that there is still a healthy way to have good fun. pastor ben from shakers came and organised the games, and he preached a little at the end, which was good.
small business week is this monday, we are gonna set up a store selling hot drinks and donuts! should be fun but stressful at the same time.. haha...
i've been saving HARD for the mission trip end of the year, i was feeling a little down because of money and all, but boom the other night, i just felt a sense of peace, and when we were singing the song 'i lay it all down' the pastor gave an alter call for people with problems, with worries to just lay them all down at God's feet, and at that moment i felt the assurance that God will provide ultimately. Right now, i have to do my part by working my ass off, and see how God will provide and make a way!

-signing off-

[[Lil Princess Wrote On]]*|12:59 AM|

[[*The Princess*]]

Bdae:5th november 91

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